New Years at the Grove

DAY: Dec 30th, Friday GATES OPEN: 7:00 am ELIMINATIONS: 10:00 am
New Years at the Grove 12/30/2022 Friday No Prep Drag Race

Race is going to be held from the tree side, pour your own prep. timing system will be off so flashlight start and camera crew on the finish line to make the call. Payouts will be based on car count, all buy in money goes in the pot plus sponsor money will be split between the classes. Small tire and big tire $100 deposit and $100 on race day to make up the $200 buy in. Street/late model $50 deposit and $50 on race day to make up the $100 buy in. DEPOSITS ARE NON REFUNDABLE since that was a nightmare last year because of the rain date.

Deposits can be sent via Venmo or PayPal, please type your name and class you choose to race when sending them and message me to let me know they’re sent.

Venmo- Kyle-Beswick-3

PayPal @kylebeswick158


Sponsors are welcomed your donations will be split between the pots and used for things like paying a designated camera crew for starting line and finish

Spectators $25

Children 12 & Under Free

Small Tire all out class rules

$200 buy in winner takes all

1/8th mile

28×10.5 NO W tires. Stock wheel base. No external weight hanging off cars keep it inside the body lines. Must have every body panel on the car. No hood is okay but must have a front clip


Big Tire/awd class rules

$200 buy in winner takes all

1/8th mile

Run what you brung and hope it’s enough, cars must have all body panels.


Late model class/street class

$100 buy in winner takes all

1/8th mile

28×10.5 max tire size


Mini Bike Classes

*Modified -225cc max -must have auto centrifugal clutch, no gears -standard bore, any internal mods -must be pull start

*Super Modified – must have auto centrifugal clutch, no gears -any internal mods INCLUDING BIG BORE -Drill start engines -If you are running a big block or methanol motor, you’ll race in “SM” accommodations will be made based on number of participants

Safety Gear for Mini Bikes

All factory steel and all factory glass, fiberglass hood is okay. Full factory interior race seats are okay. Every single body panel must be on the car. Want to keep this class fair for the slower cars 6.0 1/8th mile area and upSafety -clutch cover – racing jacket/ heavy jacket, no sweatshirt – Dot helmet, must have helmet with Shield or goggles – High top sneakers/ Boots – Gloves – Killswitch – Long pants, no sweat pants


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